Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Profaning the gospel for the sake of 'contextualization'

Wanting to be relevant, the church has become sick beyond repair! That is, repair driven by the church itself.

Pastors, wanting to 'contextualize' the gospel have turned to profanity ('swear words') in their sermons. These contextualizers, or relevantizers, simply do not believe that the gospel is "the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." (Rom 1:16)

Phil Johnson writes about these types:
"See, I think this whole approach to ministry reflects a fatal lack of confidence in the power of the gospel itself. If we really believed the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, why would we think it necessary to dress the message in such shabby rags?"
Preachers such as these simply bring disrepute to the gospel of Jesus Christ and show what they truly put their trust in for the salvation of their hearers!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Providence Theological Seminary: New Covenant Theology based

Providence Theological Seminary was started specifically to educate pastors from a New Covenant Theology perspective, since there was no seminary that catered for NCT.

To learn more about New Covenant Theology (NCT), start with this introduction.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Help others see more of your blog

chain-link Being on the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog (31DBBB) project certainly has its advantages. Every day there is something new to learn, and on other occasions it is a case of discovering that I have done at least some things right. We are now at day 8, and one of the ideas being brought forward is to link between your posts as a blogger. That way, readers of your blog can discover more about your blog without really doing a search.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Biblical languages in life and ministry

Because this blog includes commentary on the modern church and how it relates to the Biblical pattern, I would like to highlight a blog post by Bill Mounce called "The Biblical Languages in Life and Ministry."

In his post, Dr. Mounce warns ministers especially not to use their knowledge of the Biblical languages from the pulpit in such a manner to seem like the "elite few" who have special knowledge that the people in the pew don't have. He also flips up the coin to the other side to reflect on the value of studying the original languages, which he then leaves us to do!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tips on making your blog better [31DBBB]

I have been taking part in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog project with Paul Steinbrueck. Today's lesson is called "31DBBB Day 6: Must-Read Tips and Tutorials for Bloggers." While the list of blogs to get these must-read tips from are quite exceptional, I am not so sure that all these tips are applicable in every situation. Which of course is an acceptable claim to make. There are very few rules that work in every environment they are tested in. If you are interested in seeing what tips are in the 31DBBB book for this lesson, I have created a Google Bookmark List for the links to these tips. I have divided the links into 5 broad categories: Blog Content, Design, Marketing Your Blog, Miscellaneous, Monetize.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Wazzat! - 2010-05-07

How many can remember this one?

  • Comedy Central to launch anti-Christian cartoon series in fear of Muslims
  • You may not wear your American flag t-shirt in America! Others may become upset!
  • Anti-abortion sentiments in U.S. at a high
  • Whoopi Goldberg whoops at death of the unborn

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

So, you've been encouraged to blog! Where to start [31DBBB]

Yesterday I gave you 9 Reasons (or more) why Christians should be blogging. Then, in your mind you thought, "Great, but where do I start?"

Well, the first thing you must do is visit Blogger, and register as a user. If you have a Google account of sorts (GMail, etc) then you will be able to register using your google account. Once you have set up your account and have sorted out your template, you will be able to publish your blog posts using email. Therefore, if you know how to email someone, you can become a blogger.

Before you sign up, you can first see how things are done at the the Blogger site. Here are some links to assist you:

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

9 Reasons (or more) why Christians should be blogging [31DBBB-2]

Ok, you have probably asked yourself why you, as a Christian, should blog. Perhaps you think you do not know enough, or you have nothing to say. Don't believe that for a moment! You are a human being, with the Spirit of the living God in you; of course you have something to say!

Here are 9 reasons why you should be blogging:

31DBBB started!

With all of us, there is always room for improvement. Hence, I joined the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog project (31DBBB). The first day has launched in the form of an Elevator Pitch. To see the result of this, go to the About Theo-Enthumology page on my blog.
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